15 Of The Funniest And Most Accurate Cat Jokes That Vet Clinics Put Up On Their Signs
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There are two types of people in this world: Dog people and cat people. If you answered "I'm a cat person", then your answer may reveal a lot about your personality. A survey done by the University of Texas at Austin found that cat owners were more likely to be curious, unconventional in thinking and actions, and more prone to worry than dog people.
Well, it turns that even veterinarians have strong opinions on cats. So much so that some have found a humorous way to showcase their true feelings about cats on their signs:
1. When your cat is always scratching at the door.

2. Who else could watch cat videos all day?

3. Cats make ALL the rules around the house.

4. It requires a special set of skills.

5. Cats have definitely not forgotten.

6. My cat loves knocking everything off the kitchen table.

7. Get your mind out of the gutter!

8. Because they’re just going to throw up on it.

9. My cat does not like when I'm productive...

10. 100% true!

11. Dare To Keep Cats Off Catnip.

12. It's like there's a hole in their head!

13. It's a full day of work every time I try and take my cat to the vet.

14. Even a 'disguised cat' is rude!

15. The older I get, the more I find myself relating to my cat.

BONUS: Not every cat hates being covered in water. In fact, these kitties LOVE their baths - more than you might love your warm showers.
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