Woman Rescues Her Soulmate From A Shelter

Woman Rescues Her Soulmate From A Shelter

Dogs are way more than just a pet. They are our fur children, best friends, and often our soulmates. Just like people, dogs have different personalities and each dog just needs to find the perfect family to let them shine. Dogs have a way of comforting us, encouraging us and even inspiring us to be better.

Shelter dogs are all waiting for that special someone to walk through the door and pick them. One shy dog named Ariel found her perfect partner when Amber came to the shelter to rescue a dog. It was love at first sight. Amber tells The Dodo that as soon as she saw those different color eyes, she was hooked. "I just knew- just in that first moment that I met her that she was meant to be my dog."


Amber adopted Ariel and brought her home to start their life together. At first, Ariel did not liked to be touched. She would shy away from human contact. However, her mom knew exactly how she felt. Growing up Amber was a shy kid and never talked in school. She kept to herself and really did not believe in herself.

Together they gave what the other one needed. Slowly, Ariel started to warm up to her new mom. "You know, finding her also helped me find myself." It all started with daily walks that turned into long hikes through the mountains. Ariel loved being outdoors and would bark with excitement.

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"But Ariel, in the woods, she was a natural. I could see just how happy she was."

The hikes turned into camping adventures in the woods. The pair was inseparable and embarked on new adventures daily. Not even rain or snow would stop the pair from hiking. "We couldn't let go of that feeling." Ariel loved camping, especially snuggling with her mom in her sleeping bag.

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"I knew if she could do it, she was telling me that I could do it."

When Amber was exhausted or feeling like she could not continue, Ariel would come running with her tail wagging to revitalize her. She would cover her mom with kisses and instantly Amber felt better.

Their adventures continued into the water. Ariel loved to swim in the lakes until Amber got a paddle board that she would sit on. They give each other the confidence to do new things. Life is better because they are together. "I honestly can't imagine a life without Ariel."

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Amber is so grateful for Ariel. "She is a contagious source of happiness. She is my heart dog, she's my once-in-a-lifetime dog." A perfect example of how rescuing a dog can change your life and theirs.

"She changed my life in more ways than I could ever imagine, or ever explain, or ever express."

Watch their touching story in the video below.

[media height="315" width="560" provider="youtube" type="iframe" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gTVDxCne_cY" ad="true"]

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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