Shelter Hero’s Daily Clicks Help Community in Time of Crisis

Shelter Hero’s Daily Clicks Help Community in Time of Crisis

Photo: People for Pets

Meet Steph. 

She is a lot like you. She is a huge animal lover and has welcomed several rescued animals into her home. Currently, she shares her home with three rescued cats and one dog that were all adopted from the shelter.

For the past four years, she has taken a few minutes each day to click at The Animal Rescue Site and play trivia on Freekibble to help feed hungry shelter pets.

Little did she know that one day it would lead to dozens of pallets of pet food for pets in her community.

She is the assistant shelter director at People for Pets in Spencer, Iowa and was beyond grateful when her community received the much-needed pet food during the recent flood crisis.

Photo: Eric Johannsen

Her daily clicks and playing trivia paid off in a big way. She told us, "It takes a few minutes a day and it's worth it. And now actually being the recipient of it is, I mean to see it in action. The fact that this does do something is really cool."

Spencer is still recovering from catastrophic flooding that left thousands homeless. Greater Good Charities' Disaster Response team met Steph when they delivered the 40 pallets of pet food and supplies just days after the flood.

She is a hero for all she does daily and especially during the recent flooding. 

Steph put the needs of animals above all else as she waded through waist-deep water to rescue pets trapped in flooded homes. She was part of a rescue team organized by her shelter and the Humane Society of Northwest Iowa to save as many pets as possible. 

The team headed out in boats to homes of concerned pet owners who called the shelter for help. Many people were unable to get back to their homes due to the flooded roads. 

Photo: People for Pets

Steph shared with us how she helped a fellow co-worker, her mom, and countless more in the community get to safety. She also shared a heartwarming moment that she witnessed. 

"I mean as tragic as this was. The community really stepped up to help and you know, I'm proud of our community for that. There was a guy from Fostoria Fire and Rescue, which is just north of us, and he jumped in after little corgi. I gave him a hug. It was so great."

The catastrophic flood is something the community and rescuers will never forget. Steph told us with tears in her eyes, "I can't help but think about the pets that didn't make it. It's in that that weighs on me."

Photo: People for Pets

She went on to say that being involved in animal rescue is her calling and while there are heartbreaking days, "they're outweighed by the good."

The donated pet food is feeding displaced animals, and the shelter has also set up a food pantry to help those impacted by the flood. 

Photo: People for Pets

Thank you for your donations and daily efforts to help pets. Remember to click and play trivia to help feed pets. Together, we CAN make a difference. 

Learn more about Steph in the video below.

How You Can Help

In a matter of minutes, people lost their homes and all their belongings. The Animal Rescue Site and GGC's Good Flights are conducting an emergency flight to help keep families together. 

The flight will fly dozens of cats that were waiting for homes prior to the flood to New York and potentially other New England states for a second chance. This will not only save the lives of the pets on the flight but also make room for animals who lost their homes in the flood. 

Photo: People for Pets

Help fly longtime shelter cats like Mary Beth and Tommy who have been waiting for a home for years to freedom! The open kennels will quickly be filled by displaced pets and keep families together. 

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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