Abused German Shepherd Named 'Baby Yoda' Makes Remarkable 5-Month Transformation
Anastasia Arellano
When a seven-year-old German Shepherd came into the Arizona Humane Society (AHS) she was in very bad condition. The pup had been rescued from a deplorable living environment back in February. Thankfully, after 5 months of rehabilitation, the sweet dog was ready for a new beginning. And since, she has been adopted!
When the AHS first encountered the German Shepherd named Baby Yoda, she was completely hairless and covered in scabs. As AHS shared, the poor dog could not get comfortable because her skin was so irritated it would easily bleed. She had to be treated at their Second Chance Animal Trauma Hospital - and it was a long road to recovery for her.
Not only was her skin in absolute bits, but the pup needed a lot of dental work as well. The AHS noted that she had been living in "extreme pain" with all her medical problems. Despite all the trauma she had experienced, the staff was touched that managed to remain a loving and gentle dog. Her experiences moved some of the AHS staff to tears.
Dr. Melissa Thompson, the vice president of medical operations for the AHS, was filmed at the halfway mark of Baby Yoda's recovery, marveling at how long a recovery the pup was facing. She pointed out that if people were to look at Baby Yoda they'd be unable to tell what breed she was due to the lack of hair.
She explained, "All this hair loss is because she’s been scratching and itching and there’s been so much damage to her hair follicles, the hair comes out. So this isn’t something that happens overnight, this happens over a long period of time. This poor dog has just been miserable."
During her recovery, Baby Yoda was treated for her skin mites with medicated baths, low-level laser therapy, and oral medications. Even though she's now been adopted and made a recovery, Baby Yoda will still need in need of regular medical attention throughout her life. Her medical needs are mainly due to skin allergies. But at least now she's got a loving family to support her through her life.
Tracey Miller, AHS’ field operations manager, mentioned that when they first acquired Baby Yoda she was quite wrinkly and it was impossible to tell that she was even a dog. However, after she made a recovery, Tracey was in awe of how "soft" she was.
At least she got a happily ever after. At the end of the day, that is what all dogs deserve.
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Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26