Dog Returned To Shelter For Being Too Good

Dog Returned To Shelter For Being Too Good

All dogs are perfect in their own way, but some would say that a dog that is good with children, other dogs and house trained is perfect. However, a dog that fits that description was returned to the shelter for being "too good".

Everyday shelters take in dogs for various reasons, but the staff at Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA were shocked when Binx was returned for being too good. A short 48 hours after Binx was adopted into what he thought was his forever home, he was brought back to the shelter.

They claim they wanted more of a challenge. Binx's story has gone viral and people cannot believe the adorable dog was returned. The shelter posted, "I think the only challenging part of me is how devastatingly handsome I am - I can’t get anything done here at the shelter because everyone is petting me, telling me what a good boy I am, and taking me for walks. So if you’re ready for a handsome, well-mannered pup, here I am!"

When you decide to adopt it if a lifetime commitment. A loving family heard about Binx and immediately went to the shelter to adopt him. He is now in a forever home that appreciates what a well behaved boy he is. "Everyone! It happened! I have a family!! My new dad saw me on TV, but my new mom was out of town. When he picked her up from the airport, he said they had to make one stop: and it was to meet me! We fell in love immediately, and they live next to a mountain preserve so we can go hiking all the time," the shelter posted.

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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