Beloved Dog Suffocated To Death When He Tried To Eat The Crumbs In An Empty Chip Bag

Beloved Dog Suffocated To Death When He Tried To Eat The Crumbs In An Empty Chip Bag

Christina Young had to endure the sudden loss of her beloved dog, Petey, after a common mistake was made.

Young's boyfriend, Christian, came home one day expecting Petey to greet him with a wagging tail and wet nose, but that didn't happen. When he entered their home and Petey was not at the door, he became alarmed. Christian went further into the home, where he found their best friend, lifeless on the floor with a chip bag over his head.

Young posted to Facebook, "He was able to get them off the counter [and] we will forever blame ourselves for leaving [them] out. He ate every chip out but, of course, went back for crumbs.... With there being nothing left inside, every time he would go for more he would inhale, making the bag tighter and tighter around his head...ultimately resulting in suffocation 💔."

Young couldn't understand why Petey couldn't get the bag off his head with his paws. She dived into researching the subject and found that it is more common than she thought. She was not alone, and she was not the first to wonder why there was not more information or awareness of this. She goes on to say, "3-5 pet suffocations get reported every week, and 42 percent of those occur while the owner is in the next room. It only takes about 3 minutes for their oxygen to drop to fatal levels."

In her research, she discovered that literally any bag with food in it can cause suffocation and needs to be out of reach for your dog. She never imagined this could happen, and you may not have either.

She ends her post with a plea to all pet parents, "So I just ask that in honor of my boy, Petey, that you be extra careful, warn other dog owners, and give your fur babies some extra love today and every day after this. I pray none of you ever have to experience your heart breaking this way. We love you papas; you were the best boy in the whole world, and we will remember our good times forever."

This heartbreaking story has gone viral with over 436,000 shares. Be sure to put all food in a cabinet and out of reach for your pet when you leave the room or house. Dogs are very intelligent and love to eat, so they will amaze you at what they are able to get to.

When you are finished with a bag, cut the bottom off and place in the trash. Make sure your dog cannot get into the trash. Baby locks work great if you have a curious pup. Help spread this story and save other dogs.

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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