5 Things to Know About Community Cats in US
Andrea Powell
Photo: Pixabay/Geri Art
While estimations vary on the exact number of community cats in the United States, the number is somewhere between 60 and 100 million.
This includes both feral and stray cats who roam the streets looking for food and shelter. While some cats prefer to live outdoors, many still rely on humans for food and shelter.

Learn more about community cats and how you can help them survive and thrive.
1. Overpopulation. The number of homeless cats continues to grow and the only humane way to reduce the overpopulation is through Trap-Neuter-Return-Monitor (TNRM). Animal rescues and shelters work with kindhearted locals to trap the homeless felines and then neuter and vaccinate them before returning them to their colonies.

2. No Shelter in Winter. The cats struggle to find proper shelter, especially in the winter. That is why - with your support- we are sending warm blankets, outdoor cat houses, and supplies to community cats.

3. Lack of Food. Food is limited and many cats rely on humans for daily meals. Cat caretakers provide food, water, and shelter to cats in their community. They also keep an eye on the felines for signs of illness and work with their local shelter to make sure all are spayed or neutered.

5. Wild and Free. Feral adult cats have lived their entire lives with limited or no interaction with humans and prefer to live outdoors. Many animal welfare organizations suggest that adult feral cats are happiest outside in their colonies and should remain there unless they are ill or injured.
Join us in helping these felines get the shelter and care they need by purchasing essential supplies here. Together, we CAN make a difference in the lives of homeless cats.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.