Bosco This Tiny Sausage Dog Loves Finding And Carrying Big Sticks
Anastasia Arellano
In these trying times, we all need a reason to smile. And 3-year-old dachshund Bosco is just the distraction that everyone needs because he's got a very unique party trick: he loves to carry large sticks.
This little dog doesn't just go for big sticks...he goes for the biggest, most massive branches that he can find, then tries to carry them home with him. It's something he does every time he and his owner, 22-year-old Ana-Luccia Iannucci Rodriguez, go for walks through parks. In fact, Rodriguez has stated that little Bosco often blocks the path of others trying to pass by because of his stick habit.
Of course, nobody can get mad at the little pooch for blocking their path because he's just too darn cute!
In fact, this adorable little dog has gotten himself quite a following on social media, with the wiener dog amassing himself nearly 100,000 followers on Instagram who live for his giant stick-carrying content.
London-based Rodriguez has said, "People are amazed that such a little dog is so strong and ambitious. He is such a character that people can’t help but warm to him. Over time we have built a loving audience who leave lots of comments and send me messages of support."
She added, "Some write they were having a rough day but seeing Bosco, his joy and funny antics make them feel better. If I happen to not post for a day or two, I always have someone asking where his videos are. People also send us pictures or tag Bosco in their stories of their dogs carrying sticks, so it’s like he’s started a little trend there, that pretty cool to see."
She has shared how Bosco has acquired his habit of trying to drag home large sticks when he was about 7-months-old.
She continued, saying, "We are not exactly sure why Bosco does this apart from the obvious fact that it gives him a lot of joy and pride. He started carrying big sticks randomly at around seven months of age and has just continued ever since. We always repeat the message that we never have or will force him to carry sticks – it’s simply his favorite thing to do. It’s obvious to us that he loves the challenge of carrying things, it’s as if it gives him a purpose. He will happily try and try to pick up a stick at our expense waiting for him. He also specifically likes big sticks, if they are too easy he loses interest and will drop them."
Rodriguez even said, "He also loves getting reactions from people, whether it’s claps, people smiling and talking to him or people getting their phones out to film or take pictures of him. He will turn his head and give them a glance. He is an attention seeker at home and in public and a big part of why he does it at all is for a reaction, perhaps not at the beginning but definitely now."
She concluded by noting, "He won’t only carry big sticks but any object or treasure he finds out and about. In our other videos, you can see him carrying a tire, an umbrella, a scooter – even a dummy."
It appears that Bosco is not slowing down in his love of collecting large sticks. And that is okay with us, we are loving the precious pictures of Bosco's determination at carrying sticks twice his size. For more of his stick adventures, you can follow him on Instagram.

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26