Tiny Kitten Needs Extensive Medical Care Due to Dangerous Lip Injury

Tiny Kitten Needs Extensive Medical Care Due to Dangerous Lip Injury

The Cat House on the Kings

This story was submitted by our shelter friend The Cat House on the Kings. The Cat House on the Kings saves pets’ lives in the Fresno County, California area, and the Animal Rescue Site is proud to share their stories. You can learn more about their work here!

Kittens alone on the streets are the unfortunate reality in so many places nowadays. Even when injured, they don't always get into hands that will help them. Fortunately, when Baby Bubba was noticed in a busy business district with high volume traffic, his needs were not ignored.

Photo: The Cat House on the Kings

He was scooped up, and with a visible injury that seemed dire, he was brought by his guardian angel to The Cat House on the Kings. He was rushed to one of our partnering veterinary hospitals for treatment. It was determined that his lower lip had been de-gloved and he would need to have his lower lip stitched back up.

He was so dear that his surgical veterinarian fostered him to monitor his treatment and recovery. Once he was cleared from his lower lip reconstruction, he was neutered and still fostered to monitor that recovery closely.

Photo: The Cat House on the Kings

He then finally returned to The Cat House, where he did still need to finish typical treatments for the usual growing kitten.

Having a severe injury like your bottom lip being de-gloved could prove fatal when you cannot eat properly, and if you do eat, you risk infection each time. This is a delicate area to have an injury, and it requires excellent medical attention.

Photo: The Cat House on the Kings

We are so grateful to the kind medical team, who by the way named Baby Bubba after the movie "Forrest Gump", for their hard work in his care! He has stolen all the hearts on his treatment journey, and we are grateful that his sweet little eyes reached his initial rescuer's heart. 

This story was submitted by our shelter friend The Cat House on the Kings in Fresno County, California. Learn more about them here!

Help us meet our goal of $4,000 for Baby Bubba and pets like him.

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