Emaciated Cow Struggling to Survive in Ukraine War Zone Needs Our Help

Emaciated Cow Struggling to Survive in Ukraine War Zone Needs Our Help

UPDATE: Lipchyk is still on the road to recovery but can stand and walk on his own. Your donations are ensuring he gets all the food and care he needs to grow big and strong.

His favorite snacks are carrots, oatmeal, beets, and zucchini. The emaciated bull is slowly gaining weight and regaining his strength. He is forever grateful for your support. 

Photo: Home of Rescued Animals

Meet Lipchyk

Among the destroyed buildings of a recently bombed Ukrainian town, Home of Rescued Animal's rescue team found an emaciated and terrified calf. 

He was so weak that he couldn't stand or walk on his own. He was trembling from exhaustion and hunger. Once they were able to get him on his feet, they could see every rib in his body. His condition broke rescuers hearts and they were determined to get him to safety. 

Photo: Home of Rescued Animals

He was carefully loaded onto their transport vehicle and brought back to the shelter. 

Lipchyk was in critical condition and his medical team was unsure if he would survive the first night -but he did. 

Photo: Home of Rescued Animals

He is a survivor but his road to recovery will be long and expensive. He is currently on medical drips and receiving many small meals to help him regain his strength. 

Greater Good Charities' Emergency Animal Medical fund is helping with his ongoing medical bills, but we need your help. 

Photo: Home of Rescued Animals

Lipchyk deserves a second chance to live a happy life grazing on green pastures. He is still too weak to walk on his own and desperately needs your support. 

Help us meet our goal of $4,000 for Lipchyk and animals like him. Donate now.

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