Puppy Unable to Walk After Being Hit by Car is Back on Her Feet, Thanks to You
Andrea Powell
Screenshot: National Mill Dog Rescue
Read how your generous donations are helping a sweet puppy heal and get the second chance she deserves.
Do you remember Susie?

She was just three months old when she was hit by a car that left her with three broken legs and unable to move.
She was saved from the side of the road, where she was left to suffer, and rushed to a nearby animal hospital for treatment.
X-rays revealed that Susie was mistreated in other ways as she had several BB pellets in her body. She is leaving her painful past behind as she starts on the long road to recovery.

National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR), who is currently caring and fostering Susie, shared that she had surgery to repair her broken hind legs, but her front leg was shattered and needed to be amputated.

Susie is back on her feet with the help of her devoted foster family, caretakers, and your donations. She gets daily physical therapy along with laser treatments to help her regain strength in her hind legs and learn to walk on three legs.

The happy pup is doing well and loves treats, belly rubs, and playing with her canine friends. She continues to grow stronger every day and sends her thanks for your support.

The rescue shared the best news - Susie has been adopted by her foster family who is also the behavior supervisor at NMDR. She has been renamed "Maple" because she is just that sweet.
Her new family said, "We fell in love with her on the drive home, and that just continued as we got to know her. "

Your donations are changing and saving lives. Thank you for your continued support.
Sadly, sick and injured animals arrive at shelters daily who need emergency medical care. Join us in helping those in need by donating to the Emergency Animal Care Fund.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.