Pack Of Coyotes Take In Dog As One Of Their Own After He Was Dumped By Owners
Ashley McCann
A dog spotted living with a pack of coyotes in Nevada has been rescued and is now on his way to his new forever home.
While coyotes are a common sight in Nevada, a domesticated dog living amongst them is not.
This past summer, people living in the city of Henderson kept seeing an all-white dog traveling with a local coyote pack.
While he seemed happy and was always wagging his tail, the dog was not in the best of shape and needed human intervention. He was seen limping around, but would constantly evade humans, which is how he got his name: Ghost.

Rescuers believe that he was dumped as a puppy, and some think he may have even been the leader of the coyote pack.
Since no one was ever able to catch him, professional trappers were brought in to help. Since Ghost had been limping and looked weak, trappers feared that the coyotes would eventually turn on Ghost, which is why they made it a priority to catch him.

Finally, after two weeks, trappers were finally able to catch him using a trap baited with food.
Sadly, his condition was much worse than they suspected. In addition to his limp, he also had infected bites all over his body, a broken toe that needed to be amputated, injured genitalia, and a bad skin rash.

His stomach was also filled with rocks, which means he must've been starving and was unable to find real food to eat in the wild.
He was brought for immediate medical treatment at the Amor Peludo rescue in Las Vegas and is now doing much better.

Although Ghost was thought to be living with the coyotes for at least six months, his past as a domesticated pup became apparent once they took him in.
Rescuers said he is very sweet and loving, and loves to be pet and held.
He is currently under the care of The Animal Foundation shelter in Las Vegas and already has potential adopters.
Learn more about Ghost in the video below:

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.