Over 280 Cats & Dogs Sterilized at Good Fix Clinic in Alaska

Over 280 Cats & Dogs Sterilized at Good Fix Clinic in Alaska

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Read how your donations are saving lives and helping to reduce homeless pet populations. 

The Good Fix team just completed a spay/neuter clinic near Metlakatla, Alaska (the only Indian reservation in the state) and successfully sterilized and vaccinated over 280 animals. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Many were owned dogs and cats and others were free-roaming cats. Pet owners were grateful for the free clinic and support for their beloved dogs and cats. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

The team helped animals of all ages and celebrated a huge milestone - 60,000 pets sterilized. The clinic was a success thanks to countless volunteers, the expert Good Fix team, Prince of Wales Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), and your continued support.  

Photo: Greater Good Charities

The milestone pet is a young Labrador mix named Junior. One of his family members told the team, "I used to volunteer for PAWS. I have seen first-hand how quickly overpopulation can happen. It means a lot to me to have these services available in our remote community."

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Metlakatla, AK, is the only reservation of the Indigenous Tsimshian people in the United States. The Tsimshian people have lived on Annette Island since 1887 but have resided in the area for thousands of years. The only way to access the remote area is by chartered air service or ferry. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

The Animal Rescue Site supports Greater Good Charities' Good Fix and their goal to reduce pet overpopulation through free spay/neuter clinics. Our specially trained Good Fix team heads to areas with little to no veterinary resources to help sterilize pets and stray animals, saving lives and reducing the number of pets entering shelters.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

These vital clinics make a huge impact in communities across the country. Continue to help fund these clinics and join us in saving lives. It costs just $20 to sterilize a cat or dog, preventing hundreds of unwanted kittens or puppies.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

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Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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