They Found This Little Kitten Under a Car Waiting for Her Mom

They Found This Little Kitten Under a Car Waiting for Her Mom

Most people are familiar with seeing stray cats in their local area. Those feral cats may be able to get by from one day to the next, but we also try to do our part when possible to help them.

That isn't the case in every area of the world. In Bulgaria, for example, there are many cats living on the street, and not many people try to help as they should.

 width= Photos: YouTube / PawMeow

Stoyan and Dessy are a young couple from Bulgaria, and, although they aren't a rescue organization, they do have a big dream of helping as many cats as possible. They do so from their own pockets and with the help of some of their online subscribers.

When they found this little kitten under a car hood, they realized that she had been there for quite some time. She was waiting for her mother, but it didn't appear that her mother was coming back.

Kittens Love Hiding Under Cars

It isn't unusual for kittens to hide in this area. Not only does it provide a unique hiding space, but it may also keep them warm from the engine and free from many dangers. But they have no idea that it is so dangerous to them.

The rescuers took their time and were eventually able to coax the cat out of her hiding place. She was still frightened, but they took her home and tried to help her live the life she deserved.

 width= Photos: YouTube / PawMeow

That little kitten is only four weeks old, but she is quite a force to be reckoned with. It took some time for her to get comfortable at first, but she is starting to come out of her shell.

At first, the little kitten continued to look for places to hide. She needed help in many areas, including learning how to eat.

Her rescuers spoon-fed her until she eventually learned to eat on her own. They said that her teeth were like little needles!

Eventually, the little cat got her own bowl and learned to eat out of it. It took some time, but she was learning how to love her humans more and more each day.

You can watch the rescue and this little bundle of love learning to trust in the following video:

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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