Teen With Autism Is Crowned ‘Miss Photogenic’ At Beauty Pageant

Teen With Autism Is Crowned ‘Miss Photogenic’ At Beauty Pageant

This past weekend, 17-year-old Jada Braxton won the title of Miss Photogenic at the Miss Saraland pageant in Alabama.

Not only was this a big win for her, but it was a win for the entire autism community.

Braxton was diagnosed with autism when she was seven years old and had difficulty interacting in social settings. But this hasn't hindered her from living out her dreams.

Braxton's mom, Danisha, explained to Fox 10 that one of the potential characteristic traits of autism is the inability to make direct eye contact, especially during pictures.

"For her to win just based off her picture is just outstanding," she said.

There is no certain appearance to autism and it can come in any shape or size. Her mom says that by her winning Miss Photogenic, she is now a face to autism, and is showing everyone what autism can look like.

Winning has helped Braxton become more confident, and she is using her victory to show other autistic girls that they can do whatever they put their mind to.

"The reason I entered is because I want autistic girls to know that they have a voice,” Braxton told Fox 10. "They have confidence, and do the best they can, and you never know, when you have autism let other people know that you are the real deal, like everybody else. Let the bullies be bullies, and just let them hate."

Hear the full inspiring story in the video below:


Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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