Help Emaciated Puppy at Death's Door Survive and Thrive
Andrea Powell
Photo: Everett Animal Shelter
Meet Beetlejuice.
This tough puppy continues to defy the odds and fights to stay alive.
The four-week-old pit bull was surrendered after a cruelty check that found his two siblings had already passed.

For the first few days it was touch and go whether he would survive. He arrived at Everett Animal Shelter with a body score of 1 out of 9 with pale gums and trembling. He was severely malnourished and dehydrated.
Beetlejuice started to crash, and the team jumped into action to save him.
He was unable to keep food down and had to be fed through a syringe. He was immediately placed on IV fluids and received around-the-clock care.

Beetlejuice is getting stronger by the day, but he has a long and expensive road to recovery ahead of him. He needs our support to grow into a big and healthy dog.
Greater Good Charities' Emergency Animal Medical fund is helping with his medical bills.The fund helps animals in dire situations that are in need of emergency surgeries and extensive medical care. This fund saves lives thanks to your continued support.

This little fella had a rough start to life, but with your support, he will get to put his painful past behind him and eventually find a loving home.
Donate below. Your gift will not only give him the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover his ongoing care.
Help us meet our goal of $5,000 for Beetlejuice and pets like him.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.