Help Save Stray Kitten With Severe Eye Infection
Andrea Powell
Photo: Tierfreunde Lesbos e.V.
WARNING: Graphic images
The streets of Greece are full of stray cats and kittens searching for food and shelter. Many are in need of medical care like the 4-week-old kitten named Socks.
The kitten was found in an abandoned colony with his sibling, and both were suffering from severe eye infections. His sibling has infections in both eyes, but not Socks.

This little fella has a severe infection in his right eye, which will need to be removed once he is strong enough. He was rescued in time to start him on antibiotics and pain medication to save his other eye.

He is slowly starting to regain his health but has a long road to recovery. He will spend weeks in the veterinary hospital recovering before undergoing surgery to remove his eye.

He will then need additional care as he heals. Socks is just a kitten and has his whole life ahead of him. Will you help him get the care he needs?
Greater Good Charities' Emergency Animal Medical fund is helping with his ongoing medical expenses to give him the second chance he deserves. The fund was created to help save animals like Socks and is possible thanks to your donations.

You can help Socks get the treatment he needs to heal. Your gift will not only give him the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover his ongoing care.
Help us meet our goal of $6,000 for Socks and pets like him.

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.