Dog Rescued After His Brand New Family Dumps Him on a Rainy Night

Dog Rescued After His Brand New Family Dumps Him on a Rainy Night

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

One Sunday afternoon, a cute little white poodle came walking into our yard. He seemed well taken care of, so I jumped on our four-wheeler with him and drove up and down our road asking neighbors if he was theirs or if they knew who he belonged to.

Three neighbors had witnessed a strange truck dumping him the night before (on a cold, rainy night), so I took him back home and gave him a bath and some food. The next day, I took him to the vet to see if he was microchipped, but he wasn't. The vet informed me he was around 2 years old. Back home we went.


I had posted some ads hoping to find his owner, but no luck. A couple of days later, my husband was browsing Craigslist and came across an ad that was posted several weeks before for a free 2 year old male white poodle. The picture looked just like the stray doggy, so I called the number in the ad and spoke with a girl.

To make a long story short, after speaking for a while and comparing details about the dog and exchanging photos, it was confirmed that the little doggy we had at our house was named Ben. His owner had given him away to a family because she was moving and couldn't keep him. She was heartbroken to learn that the family to whom she had given him had dumped him instead of contacting her like she had requested. She called them, and they did confirm that they had "given him away"... and then abruptly hung up on her.

I assured her that he now had a forever home with us and we were so happy to have him as a part of our family. We were planning on calling him Jack (as in Jack Frost, because he is white) but he knew his name, so that is what we kept.

Photo: Anonymous user from Fort Smith, AR

Over a year later, his name has transitioned to BennyDog. He is very much loved, very much spoiled, and has been such a blessing to our family. He brings us so much joy every day and is the best dog!!

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Fort Smith, Arkansas.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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