Stray Cat Desperately Wants to Be a 'Forever Indoor Kitty'

Stray Cat Desperately Wants to Be a 'Forever Indoor Kitty'

Lorelei Mercer

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Bright Eyes was a stray that lived around our house, and while the whole neighborhood fed her, all she ever wanted was to be a "forever indoor kitty". 


I first met her when she was 2 years old and pregnant. She was obviously ill and needed a vet visit, but things just got worse. She miscarried a few weeks later, and from what the neighbors told me, this was often the case.


She got a bad internal infection, along with an internal parasite and then distemper, all within three months. After several vet visits, I thought it would be more humane to put her down. When her treatment was over, we brought her home and let her loose. I gave her a hug and made a promise.

"Bright Eyes, I promise if you get better, I'll let you in and never let you go." She purred, and then off she went toward the cornfields. That was in the spring and the last we saw of her until fall.

One day, she suddenly came up the long driveway purring and bouncy.

"And where have you been?" I asked. She was well groomed and well fed. We have no idea who helped her, or what vet they may have taken her to, but she was well. We took her to the vet again and got her spayed. She still had tapeworm, so we gave her a round of dewormer, too.

Photo: Lorelei Mercer

That was two years ago. We've helped several strays so far, and I couldn't have done it without her. She takes in all the orphan kittens we get. Her most recent adopted kittens came from the city and were found next to their dead mom in an alley. She taught the kittens to love again, made them less scared and took care of all things mommy related (bathing, naps, cuddles, playing).

Bright Eyes has been my constant companion. She's wonderful, loved and indoors as often as she likes! More importantly, she's happy and healthy. I love her so much!

Story submitted by Lorelei Mercer from Hooper, Nebraska.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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