Cat Lover Only Wants One More Cat, Adopts One That Ends Up Having Kittens
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I never intended to have three cats. I had decided I wanted two. I already had a male cat, Lucifur, and I wanted to find a friend for him. I saw many male strays that were close to his age and size that I thought might make a suitable companion for him, but I couldn't decide on one. Then one day, this skinny little calico cat showed up on my porch.

She was nothing but skin and bones, but she was very friendly. This wasn't the cat I had planned on, but of all the cats I had seen, she was the most in need of a home. I took her in and named her Cleopatra. My little family was complete.
...And then two weeks later, Cleopatra had kittens!
I couldn't believe that this super skinny cat had been pregnant. There were only two kittens, one was stillborn and the other was so very tiny. I didn't think he would make it but days went by and then weeks, and this tiny little baby hung in there.

When he first started attempting to lift his little head and look around, he looked just like one of those bobblehead dolls people put on their dashboards. His little neck could barely support his head, so he became Bobble. I didn't want a third cat, but it didn't take long before I was so in love with this tiny bundle of fur that I couldn't imagine giving him up.
I worried and fretted over him for months, afraid he would die and break my heart, but six months later, he is a happy, healthy bundle of energy. I didn't end up with the furry family I had planned on, but Lucifur got a friend, Cleopatra got a home, and I got the joy of bonding with a kitten from his very first day.

I can't imagine life without my little stowaway. Best surprise ever.
Story submitted by an anonymous user from Jamestown, New York.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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