Kitten Adopts College Student Away From Home for the First Time
Guest Contributor
Photo: Deanthe
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I was looking forward to starting college. It was going to be an adventure and a new chapter in life. I knew there would be a period of adjustment as it would be my first time away from home, but I was ready to embrace it!

The only drawback was that I had to leave all my fur babies behind since I didn't want to uproot them from what they were used to. Not only was it my first time on my own, but it was the first time I'd been without any furry friends!
About five months into my first year of college, I was leaving class and making a beeline to my truck because it was raining pretty hard. I thought I heard a tiny meow, but when I looked around I didn't see anything and proceeded to unlock my truck door. As I was putting my bag into the passenger side, something barreled into my legs!

I looked down in surprise and saw a tiny soaking wet orange kitten staring up at me. Without hesitation, I scooped him up and wrapped him inside my coat. As I drove him back to my place, he looked up at me with such trusting eyes, then curled into my lap and went fast asleep. I fell instantly in love and named him Gage O'Reilly Ford.
He would follow me everywhere and would sleep every night curled on my chest, his head under my chin. He loved everyone and would twirl around all my visitors' feet. He even curled inside the plumber's tool chest when my sink broke and would pat the plumber's hand every time he reached for a tool. Gage made living away from home easier; he made it feel like I was still home.

I had my little love until he was 7 years old, when I lost him to intestinal cancer. I was heartbroken when I lost him, but I know his spirit is still with me and I'll always love my little Gage!
Story submitted by Deanthe from Guthrie, Oklahoma.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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