Kitten Overcoming Illness Learns How to Be a Cat From New Best Friend

Kitten Overcoming Illness Learns How to Be a Cat From New Best Friend

Teice Cruz

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My wife and I moved from Colorado to Arizona a few years ago, and we left everything we owned except our kitty Lestat. She's a Maine Coon/blue Russian mix. We got her at a very young age, and as she got older, the only animal she liked was my sister-in-law's dog.

When we finally got our own place and got settled, my wife decided we needed to start looking for a companion for Lestat. We started searching all the shelters for a new kitty to introduce to her. We had no luck.


After we decided to wait a while, we got a call from my sister-in-law, who told us she found two kittens in a shed. The mom had left them when she got scared. The kittens were about two-weeks-old and she couldn't take care of them, so we brought them home and fed them with an eye dropper.

We thought everything was okay until one of the kittens wasn't eating and looked really frail. We took both of them to the vet and found out they had distemper. The vet said the best thing we could do was put them to sleep, but we decided to let the doctor try what he could for them.

He could not save one, but he said the other was thriving and that she could beat it. We took her home and watched her very carefully for the next few weeks.

After we saw that she was better, we got her tested and learned she was clear. We decided to finally introduce her to Lestat, and we named her Draven. They loved each other from the beginning, and now they are inseparable. Not only did Draven start doing everything she did, but she taught Lestat to be affectionate again. They saved each other!

Photo: Teice Cruz

Story submitted by Teice Cruz from Phoenix, Arizona.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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