Grieving Woman 'Just Looking' at Adoptable Kitties Can't Say No to a Black Fluff Ball
Guest Contributor
Photo: Lisa
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I had to put my cat Selina down. She was dying of lung cancer at only 11 years old. I held her when they injected her and cried then and for days after. On the fifth day, the local pet store was having a kitten rescue event. I went "just to look". That's what I told myself anyway.

I walked around the cages, and the first kitten I saw was adorable - all white with a calico patch on just the top of her head. But, by the time I made my way around the 40-plus cages, another couple had already signed up to take her. Okay, I thought, it's not meant to be. I didn't even bring my cat carrier from home, reasoning that if I didn't have a way to bring a kitten home, I wouldn't.
As I made my way around for a second time, I stopped in front of a cage that held a tiny black ball of fluff. Before I could react, the woman who had been fostering this kitten took her out and asked if I'd like to hold her. The next thing I knew, she was content in my arms.

I was smitten with the kitten. I protested that I couldn't possibly take her as I had no way to get her home and hadn't discussed it with my husband. The foster mom lifted the tablecloth, and underneath the table, there were at least 25 carriers available to borrow. I was also told that I was already approved, as this was the same rescue group where I had gotten Selina.
I decided to take this three month old, brown-eyed baby home, without even telling my husband.

We named her Elphaba, Elphie for short, after the misunderstood Wicked Witch of the West in Wicked. We've had her for a year and a half now. She makes me smile. And my husband, who is really a dog person, adores her, as do my two sons. She's a domestic medium hair and such a love. I was meant to go to that rescue event.
Story submitted by Lisa from Wayne, New Jersey.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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