Cat Named After Royalty is the King of Mischief

Cat Named After Royalty is the King of Mischief

Jenn Borgesen

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I had a close friend reach out to me during a particularly bad "kitten season." A well meaning but poorly informed lady dropped five very young kittens off at animal control, not knowing that pregnant cats and nursing kittens without a mother were routinely euthanized without rescue intervention. 

My friend asked if we would be willing to take on one or two of the kittens, since my daughter and I had experience with young ones. I said, "Why not all? If we are up feeding one or two, five can't be much more work!"


On the day of the Royal Wedding, we picked up a basket of five gray/brown 10 day old tabby kittens with their tiny eyes just opening. We named them after kings and queens of England: Henry, Bess, William, Kathryn and Victoria. With feeding every two hours, we learned exactly how much work five kittens could bring, juggling work schedules and endless trips to the store for kitten milk and baby wipes.

Henry was a stand out from the start, first to earn his name and escape. Feeding would always begin with a tail count ... 1, 2, 3 ,4 ... where's Henry? Under the rug, in the tub, under the sink, in the sink ... you get the picture. Despite a rocky start, Royal Kittens thrived, got active and went to forever homes.

However, Henry's taste for adventure and a chance encounter trying to climb mini-blinds resulted in a broken knee cap. Kitten knee caps are lentil-sized, rarely broken, and surgery is not an option. Our vet was willing to try alternatives, knowing amputation was on the table if the knee did not heal.

Photo: Jenn Borgesen

Six more weeks of adventure, hanging from staircases, giving his cast to the dog as a chew toy, getting stuck in all sorts of odd places and a succession of casts, and the final one was removed. Henry limped but romped like a kitten.

We failed in foster, but won a gregarious, loving clown who entertains and loves all he meets.

Story submitted by Jenn Borgesen from Waterford, Michigan.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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