Decision to Decorate Early Leads to a 'Holiday Surprise'
Guest Contributor
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
It was Thanksgiving, and I kept hearing a cat meow outside our garage. I didn't think too much about it and gave her some food and water.

The day after Thanksgiving, I had an urge to put up the Christmas tree (which is something I never want to do so soon) and sent my dad to the garage to check for extra ornaments. He came back into the house with four kittens: Two black and white ones, a ginger, and a calico. They were about 10 days old. We had solved the mystery of the cat hanging around our garage and meowing.
My mom was just going to let the mother cat take the kittens wherever she wanted, which was our backyard. We have a big dog out there, so I thought the kittens wouldn't make it. I opted to take the mother and kittens into the house until they were old enough for us to find them homes.

About eight weeks later, I was able to find homes for three of the kittens. Mama was let outside one night and never returned. No one wanted the runt of the litter. He didn't like me when his siblings were around - he used to bite me - but soon after they were gone, he became attached to me. We didn't want to keep him because we had four cats already, but after finding out he was negative for all the kitty diseases you can think of, I decided he was mine.
Almost seven years later, Buttons is my baby boy all the way. He turned out to be the sweetest kitty you can imagine. Never angry, never mean, always mellow. Never growls, hisses, or scratches. He gives love bites here and there. A very playful boy still to this day.

He doesn't like anyone but me, but that is okay. I prefer it that way. He's been with me through some very difficult times, like losing the first cat I owned. I am happy I got the urge to do something I don't normally do. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Story submitted by an anonymous user from Bakersfield, California.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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