Bull Mastiff in Need Pops Up on Woman's Facebook Feed Right After Her Son Says He Wants One

Bull Mastiff in Need Pops Up on Woman's Facebook Feed Right After Her Son Says He Wants One

Denise Albero

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

One April, I unexpectedly lost my dog to cancer. I was devastated, since it was the second dog I had lost within five years. I decided I was going to wait a while before adopting again.

Dog sits by tree

One night in May out of the blue, my teenage son started talking about how when we got another dog, he wanted a bull mastiff. We were one month away from moving to a smaller house, and I jokingly said, "Since we need to downsize our furniture, don't you think we need to downsize our next dog, as well?"


Literally an hour later, a picture of a dog showed up on my Facebook feed - an 8 month old bull mastiff mix named Hooch that a vet tech friend of mine was desperately trying to find a home for. He was in a house where a crime was committed and was surrendered to animal control.

Side view of mastiff dog

At 8 months old, he was already 100 pounds, and they had no room to keep him. They brought him to the vet office where my friend worked hoping they could board him, otherwise they were going to have to put him down.

After much convincing, her boss gave her five days to find Hooch a home. I really kept trying to scroll by that picture, but something kept bringing me back. I showed my son (who convinced me this was no coincidence) and then contacted my friend and arranged a meeting. After meeting with Hooch for five minutes, I knew he was coming home with me.

Closeup of bull mastiff mix dog
Photo: Denise Albero

Hooch is literally the sweetest, friendliest dog I have ever had. I swear sometimes he is a human in a dog's body. He is my 110-pound shadow, lap dog (he thinks) and cuddle buddy. My house may be smaller, but he definitely made my heart bigger. I couldn't imagine life without him.

Story submitted by Denise Albero from Levittown, Pennsylvania.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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