Newly Relocated, Lonely Girl Adopts Cat Who Becomes Her Faithful Friend

Newly Relocated, Lonely Girl Adopts Cat Who Becomes Her Faithful Friend

Photo: Samantha

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

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A little over 10 years ago, my parents moved our family to a new city. I was excited about the move, but I dreaded the idea of leaving my friends. I came home feeling lonely and out of place.

During our second year in our new house, my parents explained to me that I was allowed to get a kitten. I prayed that night for God to send me a cat that would be my best friend; a cat that knew I was its owner, who would follow me around and love me unconditionally.


My parents took us to the local animal shelter. I looked through all the cats, trying to see which would be a best fit for me. It was hard to choose, however, as there was one kitten whose cries echoed the room.

A little black kitten, only four weeks old, was desperately trying to gain anyone's attention. He stuck his paw out, snagging clothing as people walked by. But, after reading his tag, they would move on. I wondered why this kitten was getting overlooked.

The kitten had an upper respiratory infection. His tag date indicated he had been there about two weeks already. I felt my heart sink as he rubbed against my hand on the cage. That night, I took him home.

A month was spent trying to nurse him back to health, with Jack - the name I gave him - being locked in my room so he wouldn't get my sister's kitten sick.

Today, he is my little shadow. He follows me everywhere, sleeps with me every night, and sits by me as I work. When I leave the house, he hunts in every room for me, crying until I return back home. He refuses to be with anyone else, and watches by the window for me when I go. If I am sick, hurt, or sad, he runs to my aid and refuses to leave my side, 'scolding' people who attempt to move or talk to me.

Photo: Samantha from Quartz Hill, CA

My little black cat has become my guardian angel in disguise, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Story submitted by Samantha from Quartz Hill, California.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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