The Story of Lucifur, the Devil Who Became an Angel
Guest Contributor
Amanda Wilson
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
People hear the name Lucifur and assume there's some dark, sinister meaning behind it. Absolutely not true! This is the story of Lucifur.

Lucifur was born feral and had only barely been socialized by my friend and fellow crazy cat lady. When Lucifur first arrived at my home, he was a holy terror! He knocked over shelves, tore down curtains, broke knicknacks and burrowed into the box spring of my bed and hid for days. He would only emerge from the box spring at night to eat and, thankfully, use the litter box. I had serious doubts that this cat would ever be a housecat.
Then one day, I heard him meowing under the bed. I sat down on the floor and peeked under the dust ruffle. The furry little devil looked at me with big scared eyes and then slowly began inching closer. I put my hand out, not close enough to touch him, just close enough for him to sniff me.

He slowly slunk out from under the bed, sniffed me, circled me twice and then flopped into my lap, began purring loudly, and shoved his furry face into my hand. My heart melted, and I knew right then and there that he was mine and I was his.
He was still quite the devilish critter, always looking for mischief. I had been calling him my little furry devil and then one day it just clicked. He's a little devil and he's furry, his name is Lucifur! While Lucifer was once an angel who became the devil, Lucifur was once a devil who became my angel.

These days, Lucifur is a 14-pound, healthy, happy neutered boy. He still has his devilish moments and he still doesn't trust most people, but he loves me and shows it every day. He loves hugs and snuggles and to be carried like a baby, but only by me.
There is not an ounce of evil in my Lucifur. He is a true blessing.
Story submitted by Amanda Wilson from Jamestown, New York.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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