Difficult Cat Named 'MacGrumpy' Slowly Sheds His Cantankerous Nature
Guest Contributor
Carolina L.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
One fine day, MacGrumpy's picture just popped into my Facebook feed, and his name immediately caught my attention. What had this sweet-looking kitty done to deserve such a name?

He had been declawed, then the suspicion is that he stopped using the box... That brought in the abuse... And finally the abandonment. He had - rightly so - turned into an extremely aggressive kitty.
He was picked up by animal control in very bad shape. His skin was all open in hot boils. Thank goodness the rescue where all my kitties came from was called in. It took 45 minutes just to get him out of the shelter's cage, and then they took months and months socializing him, trying to get him ready for adoption. There were countless bites and "battle wounds". He was as close as it gets to being a hopeless case.

As I started going through post by post about Mac, I realized his chances of adoption, even after socialization, were very slim. Mac needed someone who allowed him the time to flourish, to regain trust, no matter how much time and patience that would involve. I decided to contact the rescue.
Mac moved in the week I moved into my new home. I set up the guest room for him and hoped for the best. It took a lot of work, and for a long while, I could not even touch him. There were many bites and scratches.

Today, Mac is a loving, happy, healthy, talkative kitty who sleeps with me every night and waits for me by the door every time I come home. He is a testimony that any cat deserves a chance.
Mac, no more betrayals in your life, only love. You shall be called MacCreamy now.
Story submitted by Carolina L. from Corinth, Texas.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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