Man Goes to Shelter Determined He Doesn't Want an Older Cat, Until He Meets Joey
Guest Contributor
Photo: Mike
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I have always been a cat lover. The apartment complex where I lived didn't allow pets. When I moved a few years ago, I made sure the place that I moved to allowed pets because I wanted a cat. Then I needed to convince my best friend (who was my new roommate) that a cat would be a perfect addition to the apartment.

After about a year, I headed to my local animal shelter to look for my new furry best friend. I didn't know what kind of cat (you know, age, color, etc.) I wanted and I knew that the cat would pick me.
I wrote off one cat because I saw that he was 8 years old and I didn't want a senior cat.
After having some play time with a few cats, my roommate asked to see the one cat that I had written off. As soon as Joey came into the visiting room, he immediately came up to us and wanted attention - belly rubs, playing, petting, the works. The staff told us he was the friendliest cat there and that he was loved by everyone there.

Within about a minute, I knew Joey was the one for me. All of my concerns about having a senior cat melted away after talking with the staff. I made arrangements to pick him up the following day so I could get kitty supplies. I wanted my new buddy to have a cool name, so my roommate and I came up with Martin van Purrin (inspired by Martin Van Buren, a former US President).
At first, Martin needed time to adjust to his new home. Within a few weeks, though, he settled in just nicely. He greets me when I come home from work, cuddles up on the couch with me, and is constantly by my side. I'm so glad to have given Martin a good home! Having a senior cat is not as big of a challenge as I thought it would be. I encourage everyone to adopt a senior cat!

Story submitted by Mike from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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