Memory of 'Miracle' Kitten Inspires Family to Foster More Kittens
Guest Contributor
Photo: Julie
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
While biking one evening this summer, my 11-year-old found a very sick kitten. I wanted to protect my heart but knew she needed help and there was nowhere we could take her until morning. We spent the night coaxing her to drink water with a syringe, cleaning her and giving her every ounce of love we had.

As soon as our vet opened, I picked up kitten formula and coaxed her to drink until we could get her into our local shelter. They assured me they would start antibiotics immediately and she would have the best possible care. We named her Mira (aka Miracle) and asked if we could adopt her once she was ready.
We spoke with them daily, praying she’d pull through. Because she would need weeks of foster care, we began the process to become a foster family.
Sadly, Mira took a turn for the worst 11 days later and they were unable to save her. We were heartbroken, but I felt it was our responsibility to make sure her short life stood for something and that we should continue the foster application process.

We have had 13 foster kittens so far — all feral when they arrived. It amazes me how quickly these sweet animals go from sheer fear of us to complete trust and love in no time. We feel humbled to be able to give these babies a loving place until they are ready for their forever families.
While I still have tears in my eyes when I think of Mira, I know she’s on the other side of the rainbow bridge waiting for us. We prayed for a miracle, not knowing that the answer to our prayers would lead us down the path of fostering and opening our hearts to new miracles every day.

Story submitted by Julie from Saint Michael, Minnesota.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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