FIV Cat Defies Expectations, Just Keeps Going

FIV Cat Defies Expectations, Just Keeps Going

Photo: Amanda

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My husband and I, newly married, moved to Dallas with my first rescue cat, Isabel. After about a year, we had a visitor that lived under our porch, a gorgeous, flea-ridden white and gray beauty with crystal blue eyes.

He was starving, and we fed him whenever he showed up. Much to Isabel's dismay, he was absolutely smitten with her and would stalk her, even running to lay in the exact spot she vacated.


He began trying to get into the house, so my husband and I decided that we just had to have him. But first, we sent him to a spa and health visit at our vet.

They called us a few hours later to let us know that he had FIV - or the feline version of HIV - and that they had his bath on hold in case we were ready to put him down. I was horrified and said that of course we would keep him. They warned us that he would probably not have a very long life, but we knew he was special.

Nine years later, he is still chasing after lizards and very much enjoying his lavish lifestyle. We lost Isabel, due to her age of 18 years, and he has become our one and only. He's had some rough patches due to lasting infections from his FIV, but he adores our 3-year-old daughter and lets her have her way with him, tail-pulling and all.

Photo: Amanda from Alexandria, LA

Every child needs a Mister Bud. I'm so thankful that mine has one.

Story submitted by Amanda from Alexandria, Louisiana.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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