'Party Pug' Brightens Life of Woman with Depression

'Party Pug' Brightens Life of Woman with Depression

Mo Pruiett

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My twin sister has always struggled with depression and anxiety. She's had a rough past few years, and after she had to be institutionalized for severe self-harm, we knew we had to find some sort of solution. Something that she could put all of her thoughts into that wouldn't stress her out or hurt her. 

We knew that she had always wanted a pug. All she would talk about was how much she wanted one, and how much she loved them, and so on and so forth. We had never gotten her one, though, because we were told that pugs don't do well with larger dogs, of which we have two.


Nevertheless, my mom went online to look at pugs and see if there was a rescue available. In her searching, she came across a little pug named Molly, who was said to be a 7 year old "party pug". My sister saw her pictures and fell in love - we knew we had to get her.

So we drove half an hour to the shelter, and when we picked her up, she was immediately drawn to my sister. She was all over her, kissing her and nuzzling her. She sat on her lap the entire car ride home.

It doesn't stop there, though. After the first day of having her, we noticed that she was babying her right eye, and she was very thin. The vet said that she had a very bad ulcer on her eye which would require surgery. We took her to another veterinarian (a friend of the family) to get a second opinion. There, we found out that she also had a protein deficiency and an infection (and also, she was actually 9 years old).

Photo: Mo Pruiett

The vet made her a special serum out of her own blood to help her eye, gave her medicine, and she got all better without the surgery! Now she really is our party pug, always running and playing ball, and she loves to snuggle. My sister has never been happier.

We saved Molly, and Molly saved our family. We love our party pug!

Story submitted by Mo Pruiett from Aiken, South Carolina.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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