Tiny Kitten Named After Man Who Rescued Him From Car's Undercarriage
Guest Contributor
Photo: Rebecca
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
Three years ago, I received a text from my then husband stating that he found a kitten in a car at a parking lot where he worked. He said it was an older kitten and it was up the underside of someone's car, crying.

With no intention of taking in another cat, having three already, I went down to his job with some food to help coax it out.
When I arrived, two police officers had just given up trying to get the kitten to come out on its own. Without actually climbing under the car, I wasn't getting it out.
After about an hour, the woman who owned the car came out and saw me laying next to her car on the ground. I explained to her what was going on, and she agreed to stay until the cat was removed, not wanting to hurt it.
About 20 minutes later, a young man and his girlfriend came by and he volunteered to go under the car and pull it out. He got it out, but it got away and climbed into another car. Eventually, the kitten was out of the car and handed to me.
He was younger than we thought, still having blue eyes and very tiny. He cuddled into my neck and tried to purr. At that moment, I was done for. I asked the young man his name and he told me "Nick", so the kittens name was then Nicholas.
He was covered in motor oil and had a burn on his lip that you can see in the top pictures. That burn healed and today, he is a plump house cat who hopefully has no bad memories of ever being on the streets. We call him Nicky, and he is the most lovable cat I have ever had, even loving his belly rubbed.

His favorite place to hang out is the bathtub since he outgrew the bathroom sink, and his best friend is my 1 year old pit bull/pug mix. I can't imagine my days without his furry face.
Story submitted by Rebecca from Watervliet, New York.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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