Little Girl Decides She Wants a White Cat with a Red Tail... and Finds One

Little Girl Decides She Wants a White Cat with a Red Tail... and Finds One

J Nace

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

When my daughter was a little girl, she wanted a kitten very, very much. Although I like cats, our schedules were crazy and I did not want to get a kitten at the time.

My daughter had a toy, a white kitty with a pink tail, and said she wanted a kitten just like it. I encouraged this and explained that although pink wasn't possible, we could look for a white kitten with a red tail. This thought appealed to her, since she has red hair.


In the back of my mind, I was thinking that red-point kittens might be fairly uncommon, and it would help postpone making a feline addition to the family.

Less than a year after I started singing the praises of a white kitten with a red tail, we happened across a kitten adoption fair. They had lots of kittens, and my daughter’s eyes grew wide at the selection. Thinking to head off renewed pleas for a kitten, I took a gamble and asked the attendant if they had a female white kitten with a red tail.

And of course, they did.

My daughter begged to hold her, and they brought out a sweet kitty that batted tentatively at one of her long braids and began to purr. I looked over at my husband, "Well, that was all I had…" and he hemmed, hawed, and asked for more information.

They gave us her card, which indicated that she had been abandoned in a cardboard box and fostered back to health. And, her adoption name was the same as my daughter’s! We took that as a sign and started filling out the paperwork.

We named her Pearl, and 12 years later, we can’t imagine life without her. She is still a very busy cat who gets into everything and is endlessly entertaining and endearing. Occasionally she curls up for a nap on my husband’s desk while he is working, with her head resting on his arm. What a great cat!

Photo: J Nace

Story submitted by J Nace from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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