Woman Gets Her Dad a New Dog, Not Knowing the Dog's Pregnant with Seven Puppies
Guest Contributor
Katie Harris
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
Growing up, we had a Great Pyrenees named Rose that someone had dumped at a driving range. She was fully trained and my father's dog through and through. When she passed when I was in college, he was devastated, but she did live a long, healthy, fun life.

Fve years later, my father told me that he was ready for another dog. He wanted another Pyr. As luck would have it, two weeks later, an 8-month-old Pyr mix in need popped up on my Facebook feed. She was on the red list for a shelter not far from my work and needed a savior. I went and got her that day and delivered her to my family in the country that weekend. Her name became Piper.
Around Thanksgiving, she started getting heavier and showing her nipples. The vet confirmed our suspicions - PUPPIES!
On December 7, Piper gave birth to seven live wriggly white things, four boys and three girls. Dad was a rolling stone, but after DNA testing, we found he was a Lab/German Shepherd mix.

Six weeks later, I went home with one of the boys. I hadn't intended to get a dog anytime soon, but I knew I couldn't say no. Now, I have Hans the Giant Puppy.
Piper and Hans are pictured when Hans was about 6 months old - Piper is the shorter, more fuzzy of the two.

Story submitted by Katie Harris from Dallas, Texas.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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