'I Never Regretted Saving Her': Woman Rescues Sick Kitten Without Eyes

'I Never Regretted Saving Her': Woman Rescues Sick Kitten Without Eyes

Sue Caillier

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

At a farm auction, I saw her sitting there alone in a huge barn with a flea collar wrapped twice around her neck. She had some awful 'gunk' coming out of her eyes and nose. She was so tiny and skinny, I could not bear to leave her.

I took her to a vet immediately. They cleaned her eyes, only to find that she had no eyeballs left due to the infection. After many antibiotics and some good food, her 0.7 kilogram weight was increased to a much healthier number.


Due to her size and weight when found, the vet guessed her to be between 4- and 6-weeks-old. She also felt she would not have lived much more than a day or two if left behind.

Two months later, her adult canines grew in, which led us to realize she was actually about 4-months-old when found.

Now at 6-years-old, Princess sleeps with me every night. She manages to catch flies and any other insects that buzz around the house. She acts like any normal sighted cat, and I have never regretted saving her that day.

Photo: Sue Caillier

Story submitted by Sue Caillier from Arnprior, Canada.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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