Kitten Hides in the Car of Woman Having a Devastating Year

Kitten Hides in the Car of Woman Having a Devastating Year

Photo: Stephanie

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

This year has been rough. My fiancé had to say goodbye to his cat, several of our friends have experienced everything from deaths in their families to battling life-threatening childhood illness, and very recently, I lost my mother. I have been planning my December wedding all year… now it’s hard to be happy without my sweet little mom.

Earlier this month, I was driving home from work in my car. Near home, I noticed a "tire pressure alert" and stopped at the gas station to air it up. While filling it, life threw me a curve ball; my car meowed at me.


Having driven nearly 30 miles, I panicked. I couldn’t stomach having injured a cat. Surely, a cat can't survive this?! Well, as luck would have it, a tiny tabby can, if he climbs in through the splash guard and rests just inside the plastic liner under the engine. I ran inside, got an employee, and after about 30 minutes of trying to reach him ourselves, we called the fire department.

A couple of (brave!) firemen came and got this frightened kitten out of my car. Unfortunately, he bolted! He ran to hide under the gas station's shed, where he continued to cower for hours before the employees captured him. A wonderful cat-loving employee took him home with her and gave me a call. I went and got him.

The plan was to get him checked out and foster him so that we could find someone to adopt him. I refused to name him and advised my fiancé to do the same. Well, plans changed when my fiancé tearfully told me he felt this kitten was the first “good thing” to come of this year, and he didn’t want to give him away. Perhaps what we need is a little life in the midst of all this death.

Photo: Stephanie from New Port Richey, FL

So, we have decided he is a sign: Though life can sometimes be tragic, it can also be surprising, and remind us that sometimes we can survive even the bleakest of circumstances. Welcome home, Riddle.

Story submitted by Stephanie from New Port Richey, Florida.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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