Blackbird with a Broken Leg Leads Couple to a Shelter, Where Two Kittens Claim Them
Guest Contributor
Kellie James
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
We lost our lovely boy Jim just a few days before Christmas, very unexpected and quickly from cancer. He was almost 15, and we had him and his sister Rosie from 8 weeks old as rescue kittens. (Rosie had passed a few years earlier, again very suddenly) We were devastated and talked about maybe getting cats again in the future, but not then. We were too upset.

In early January, we were watching the birds outside when we noticed a blackbird with a broken leg. Wondering what to do, we checked RSPB online and were redirected to RSPCA. There wasn't much we could do, and while searching for information, pictures started rolling across the screen of the kitties that needed homes.
Two little furballs, Rudolph and Margot, peered out at us from the screen. They had been abandoned in a box and needed to be homed together. We started to talk about them, and my husband confessed he had taken a look at the site already. So, before we knew it, we were at the shelter and meeting them for the first time.

Our pain was overshadowed by these two little babies who needed us. We decided to adopt them and waited for them to be neutered. Rudi came home first, followed by Madge, who kept pulling her stitches out. Our lives haven't been the same since!
These beautiful creatures are the most loving brother and sister, they cuddle up together and play with each other and both love tummy tickles. We still miss Jim and Rosie, but these little kitties have helped us to move on. A few days ago, Madge and I were sitting by the window and the blackbird came into the garden, so I told her he was the reason she was here and not to try and catch him!

Story submitted by Kellie James from Budleigh Salterton, United Kingdom.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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