'They're Either Snuggling or Fighting': Family Adopts Frenemy Cats

'They're Either Snuggling or Fighting': Family Adopts Frenemy Cats

Burton Weinstein

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My grandsons live with my wife and me. This last summer, I had promised my youngest grandson he could have a cat. The older one decided he wanted one, too. I have always had cats and dogs, and last year, we had to put our beloved dog L.B. to sleep. I knew rescuing a cat would help to fill the hole L.B. had left in our hearts.

I wanted a tortie since some years back, I had one, Ginger, that was my pal for 15 years. I found one that looked amazingly like Ginger, at a local cat rescue. She was a year old, very skittish and had been adopted but returned.


We also visited our local shelter, and my grandson fell in love with a brown tabby kitten. We adopted them both the same day. The kitten had to stay at the shelter for about a week to be spayed, but the tortie came home with us that very day and immediately hid in the garage for nearly a week.

The following weekend, my son came to the house. He pulled the garage apart until he finally found her and brought her into the house. It took a few weeks for her to become comfortable in her new home. (She still likes to relax in the linen closet.) She bonded quickly with my older grandson and then with us all.

The kitten and she bonded after a time and we are now one big happy family. The tortie, Scout, is the sweetest animal imaginable. I cannot understand why she was ever returned to the rescue. The tabby, Shadow, is the most mischievous little girl I've ever met. Together, they put on a daily show for us that keeps us all in stitches. They're either snuggling or fighting. But as my son put it... they're home.

Photo: Burton Weinstein

Story submitted by Burton Weinstein from Simi Valley, California.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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