Cat Named 'Skitty' for Her Nervous Nature Can't Find Adopter, So Foster Keeps Her

Cat Named 'Skitty' for Her Nervous Nature Can't Find Adopter, So Foster Keeps Her

Photo: Jennifer

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I was working for a rescue organization when I got a call about six kittens abandoned at an apartment complex. All of the kittens had giardia and coccidia, along with fleas.

Skitty and her two short-haired sisters were very thin and too small to fight off the three healthier kittens. A friend took the two short-hairs, and I kept Skitty and her three fluffy sisters. I learned they were Maine Coons and Skitty, being a runt in Maine Coon sizes, was so much smaller and more skittish (how she got her name) than her sisters that I had to feed her separately.


The kittens were lively and became fast friends with our calico kitten, Boo. My mother had grown attached to Boo as a foster kitten, so we had decided to keep her. I found homes for the other kittens quickly at a Petco adoption weekend, but Skitty hid in a corner and soiled her carrier on the way home out of fear.

It was then I decided she was too skittish to adopt out and we would keep her. She turned out to be an amazing foster mother for kittens we took in.

I became unemployed at one point, and it took me eight months to find a job. Skitty and I spent so much time together then that we are now inseparable. She loves sleeping in my lap or on my desk while I work and won't tolerate not sleeping with me in bed. When people come over, she'll hide at first but soon they fall in love with her as she comes out and cuddles with them.

Photo: Jennifer from Fayetteville, Arkansas

She's a polydactyl (five of the kittens were) and had surgery to remove two nails that grew into her paws (one on each paw). Because of this problem, the nails don't retract all the way. I love her too much to let it be a problem and so I just replace bedding several times a year.

She and Boo, who has arthritis now, moved with me to Arkansas this summer and they are my furry children.

Story submitted by Jennifer from Fayetteville, Arkansas.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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