Couple Can't Resist Adopting One-Eyed Black Cat Dubbed 'Wonder Woman'
Guest Contributor
Photo: Sara
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
My boyfriend and I had a seemingly complete family with one dog and one cat. We thought we were content. Then he went to PetSmart one day to get some dog and cat food and couldn't help but go see which local SPCA cats were being featured.

I was at work and received a picture text of a tiny, goofy, one-eyed black cat dubbed "Wonder Woman." He said, "Check out one-eye." I responded, "Awww, but no."
He came home, and I think we talked about her for a split second before moving on with our lives. A few days later, I realized I hadn't stopped thinking about her. A one-eyed black cat?! She would never get adopted.
It was a Wednesday. We decided we'd go back to PetSmart on Sunday, and if she was still there, we would consider it.

Sure enough, we showed up at the store, and while the cages around her seemed emptier, she was still there and so eager for love and attention. There was no room for consideration; she was ours. We did the necessary paperwork and got her home that same day. We decided to rename her Eleanor.
She took instantly to our older boxer, Samantha. They were best friends. It took a lot longer for our 4 year old rescue cat, Matilda, to come around. Samantha unfortunately passed this past summer, and Eleanor definitely became the dominant girl of the house. While she and Matilda will probably never be best friends, they have been caught sleeping relatively close to each other a good amount of times.
Eleanor is quirky, chases her tail, has sneeze fits that last a minute, will not eat out of her food bowl if she can see the bottom of it, and knocks things off of your bedside at 4:00 am when she is ready to play, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Who knows what would have happened to her if we hadn't chosen her that day? We're excited for many more years with both of our kitties.
Story submitted by Sara from Raleigh, North Carolina.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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