Injured, Stray Shows Up On Couples Porch In Desperate Need Of Help

Injured, Stray Shows Up On Couples Porch In Desperate Need Of Help

This story originally appeared at Shareably.

We’ve heard stories of animals achieving amazing things. Emily the one-year-old cat accidentally embarked upon a 4,500-mile journey when she found herself being shipped to Belgium where thankfully, people found her, read her tags and returned her to her American home.

The Doolen family moved from Illinois to Michigan and had to rehome their pup. Six weeks later, their dog found them at their new home.

April and Joe Sullivan found a very sad and wounded pit bull on their porch one day. They had no idea whose dog she was nor where she came from.

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Considering they lived in the middle of 40 acres, they were baffled as to her sudden appearance.

But one thing was for sure, this black dog needed them, April realized.

“I think she had given up. We still can’t figure out how the poor thing found us.”

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The Sullivans taught their granddaughter to be very cautious around other people’s dogs, especially ones they didn’t know. Sick and injured dogs often are testy and can snap at anyone. But not this pit bull who they named Betsy.

“There was something about Betsy, even as sick as she was. She was licking our granddaughter. She was nothing but sweet.”

Betsy was immobile, unable to walk on her own. She was in such bad shape that Joe had to carry her to the vehicle just to transport her to the veterinarian for much-needed care. As he cradled her gingerly, he gave her the sweetest nuzzle.

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No one knew exactly how Betsy injured her hip, but they suspect she had been hit by a car. While Joe and April focused on saving Betsy’s life, they knew they needed to find her a new home. Their own dogs weren’t keen on new four-legged family members despite how sweet Betsy was.

But Joe had other plans...

“The whole time I’m thinking, I want to keep this dog.”

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The veterinarian informed the couple that Betsy had sustained nerve damage and would need a tremendous amount of care. She also had a severe parasite infestation and a broken hip.

“We couldn’t, wouldn’t give up on Betsy. This stuff gets expensive, but what can you do? You just can’t let her die.”

April quickly fell in love with Betsy and agreed with Joe that they should keep her.

“She’s a good girl, a sweet girl.”

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The pit bull’s recovery was remarkable and eventually, she could travel up and down the stairs of their wooden porch by herself. Even though their current dogs don’t like other puppers, they accept Betsy as part of their pack.

She loves sharing a bed with Chunk their large Labrador. She’s even let down her guard and allowed the Sullivans to shower her with love and affection that she seems to crave.

“She’s a whole different dog. She has such a happy demeanor.”

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The Sullivans shared their heartwarming story with The Dodo’s Pittie Nation where people fawned over Betsy and commended the family for taking her in.

Watch Betsy’s story in the video below and see how she transforms before our very eyes.

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