Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

Articles by Anastasia Arellano

Meet Bowie: The Rescue Kitten With Different-Colored Eyes That's Famous On Instagram

Meet Bowie: The Rescue Kitten With Different-Co...

This beautiful cat was born with different colored eyes, a condition that is known as Heterochromia.

Meet Bowie: The Rescue Kitten With Different-Co...

This beautiful cat was born with different colored eyes, a condition that is known as Heterochromia.

Doggie Daycare In South Korea Shares Adorable Photos Of Puppies Sleeping Together

Doggie Daycare In South Korea Shares Adorable P...

Naptime usually occurs between 2:00 and 2:30 pm, during which time the staff will often catch a few pictures of these sleeping pups in order to share with the world.

Doggie Daycare In South Korea Shares Adorable P...

Naptime usually occurs between 2:00 and 2:30 pm, during which time the staff will often catch a few pictures of these sleeping pups in order to share with the world.

Groomer Gets Dogs To Pose Together For The Cutest Nativity Scene

Groomer Gets Dogs To Pose Together For The Cute...

One dog groomer hands down created the most adorable Nativity scene ever when she got her four-legged clients to join her in putting it together.

Groomer Gets Dogs To Pose Together For The Cute...

One dog groomer hands down created the most adorable Nativity scene ever when she got her four-legged clients to join her in putting it together.

Vet Says More Owners Have Been Seeing ‘Red Circles’ On Their Dog’s Stomachs

Vet Says More Owners Have Been Seeing ‘Red Circ...

If you’re a dog owner and you see red circles on your dog's stomach, your first instinct would probably be to go running to the vet.

Vet Says More Owners Have Been Seeing ‘Red Circ...

If you’re a dog owner and you see red circles on your dog's stomach, your first instinct would probably be to go running to the vet.

Nobody Would Adopt This Cat Cause Of A Tumor On Her Face

Nobody Would Adopt This Cat Cause Of A Tumor On...

Being a stray pet is difficult enough, but when you’re a stray pet with a medical issue or a handicap, it can be that much tougher.

Nobody Would Adopt This Cat Cause Of A Tumor On...

Being a stray pet is difficult enough, but when you’re a stray pet with a medical issue or a handicap, it can be that much tougher.