Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

Articles by Andrea Powell

Alligator Lunges Out Of Lagoon At Dog, But Woman Intervenes

Alligator Lunges Out Of Lagoon At Dog, But Woma...

"The lady tried to rescue the dog ."

Alligator Lunges Out Of Lagoon At Dog, But Woma...

"The lady tried to rescue the dog ."

Australian Man Was Fed Up With Dog Poo In His Front Lawn, So He Took Matters Into His Own Hands

Australian Man Was Fed Up With Dog Poo In His F...

"I'm sick of dodging parcels left on the footpath by lazy dog owners so I thought I'll take some action."

Australian Man Was Fed Up With Dog Poo In His F...

"I'm sick of dodging parcels left on the footpath by lazy dog owners so I thought I'll take some action."

Boater Finds Seven Abandoned Puppies On Deserted Island Crying From Starvation

Boater Finds Seven Abandoned Puppies On Deserte...

"They couldn't see anything but some dark shadows, and they heard a bunch of crying."

Boater Finds Seven Abandoned Puppies On Deserte...

"They couldn't see anything but some dark shadows, and they heard a bunch of crying."

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Dehydrated

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Dehydrated

Use these tips to entice your cat to drink enough water.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Dehydrated

Use these tips to entice your cat to drink enough water.

Adopted Kitten Was Returned To Rescue With One Eye About To Fall Out

Adopted Kitten Was Returned To Rescue With One ...

Thankfully, people stepped up to help.

Adopted Kitten Was Returned To Rescue With One ...

Thankfully, people stepped up to help.

Man Discovers Cat Who Just Had Kittens Under His Bed, But He Doesn't Own A Cat

Man Discovers Cat Who Just Had Kittens Under Hi...

"Unexpectedly discovered more than kittens but also the hidden depths of my own capacity to love."

Man Discovers Cat Who Just Had Kittens Under Hi...

"Unexpectedly discovered more than kittens but also the hidden depths of my own capacity to love."