Chantelle Dixon

Chantelle Dixon

Chantelle Dixon likes to read, sing, eat, drink, write, and other verbs. She enjoys cavorting around the country to visit loved ones and experience new places, but especially likes to be at home with her husband, son, and dog.

Articles by Chantelle Dixon

Veterinarian Has A Comfort Dog Assistant To Soothe Sick, Scared Pets

Veterinarian Has A Comfort Dog Assistant To Soo...

"My life is better for knowing that this is a thing in the world."

Veterinarian Has A Comfort Dog Assistant To Soo...

"My life is better for knowing that this is a thing in the world."

Pregnant Mare Gives Birth To One Foal, Then Owner Realizes She’s Having Twins

Pregnant Mare Gives Birth To One Foal, Then Own...

Viable twin foals are rare. Only about 1 in 10,000 horses have twins, and even fewer of the animals survive birth.

Pregnant Mare Gives Birth To One Foal, Then Own...

Viable twin foals are rare. Only about 1 in 10,000 horses have twins, and even fewer of the animals survive birth.

Neglected Dog Covered In Ticks Is Rescued Just In Time

Neglected Dog Covered In Ticks Is Rescued Just ...

Her previous owners did nothing to help her.

Neglected Dog Covered In Ticks Is Rescued Just ...

Her previous owners did nothing to help her.

These Tiny Eggs And Nests In Your Yard Belong To Hummingbirds And They Are Protected By The Law

These Tiny Eggs And Nests In Your Yard Belong T...

Destroying their homes is against the law.

These Tiny Eggs And Nests In Your Yard Belong T...

Destroying their homes is against the law.

Embarrassing Chemo Side Effects

Embarrassing Chemo Side Effects

It's more than just hair loss.

Embarrassing Chemo Side Effects

It's more than just hair loss.