GreaterGood News

Heartbreaking Decline of African Penguins Sparks Urgent Calls

Heartbreaking Decline of African Penguins Spark...

Our beloved African Penguins are disappearing at an alarming rate, with their numbers plummeting by over 97%! The clock is ticking, and without immediate action, these iconic birds could vanish...

Heartbreaking Decline of African Penguins Spark...

Our beloved African Penguins are disappearing at an alarming rate, with their numbers plummeting by over 97%! The clock is ticking, and without immediate action, these iconic birds could vanish...

3.5 Million Meals Donated to Pets Impacted by Hurricane Helene & Milton

3.5 Million Meals Donated to Pets Impacted by H...

Your donations are making a HUGE difference!

3.5 Million Meals Donated to Pets Impacted by H...

Your donations are making a HUGE difference!

California's Water Wars Threaten Delta Smelt Survival

California's Water Wars Threaten Delta Smelt Su...

The Delta Smelt, a vital indicator species in California's Delta, faces imminent extinction due to recent water management decisions. State and federal agencies have halted essential water releases that support its...

California's Water Wars Threaten Delta Smelt Su...

The Delta Smelt, a vital indicator species in California's Delta, faces imminent extinction due to recent water management decisions. State and federal agencies have halted essential water releases that support its...

Pennsylvania Poachers Jailed and Banned from Hunting for Life After Killing 21 Deer

Pennsylvania Poachers Jailed and Banned from Hu...

In Washington County, three men illegally killed 21 deer in a single poaching spree. These thrill-killers violated state laws, ignored ethical hunting practices, and left every animal to waste.

Pennsylvania Poachers Jailed and Banned from Hu...

In Washington County, three men illegally killed 21 deer in a single poaching spree. These thrill-killers violated state laws, ignored ethical hunting practices, and left every animal to waste.

Poachers Devastate Bald Eagle Populations, Driving Sacred Feathers into the Black Market

Poachers Devastate Bald Eagle Populations, Driv...

A black market exploits the high demand for eagle feathers used in sacred ceremonies, with thousands of eagles killed annually.

Poachers Devastate Bald Eagle Populations, Driv...

A black market exploits the high demand for eagle feathers used in sacred ceremonies, with thousands of eagles killed annually.

Dog Abused for Breeding Rescued, Learns 'What Being a Puppy Should Have Been Like'

Dog Abused for Breeding Rescued, Learns 'What B...

When my husband and I first moved in together before we got married, we knew immediately that we wanted to rescue a cat. A former coworker had just found a...

Dog Abused for Breeding Rescued, Learns 'What B...

When my husband and I first moved in together before we got married, we knew immediately that we wanted to rescue a cat. A former coworker had just found a...