Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor

Stories from our readers, contributions from our friends in the animal rescue world, updates from charitable partners, and more!

Articles by Guest Contributor

After His Sister 'Belle' is Adopted, 'Beast' Transforms with Love of Foster Family

After His Sister 'Belle' is Adopted, 'Beast' Tr...

This story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

After His Sister 'Belle' is Adopted, 'Beast' Tr...

This story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

Rescue Dog Saves Owner's Life After She Has a Heart Attack

Rescue Dog Saves Owner's Life After She Has a H...

This story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

Rescue Dog Saves Owner's Life After She Has a H...

This story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

Ethel is Home!

Ethel is Home!

She was in a puppy mill and, when it closed, she was given to a man who hit her, tied her up outside and let his other dogs attack her.

Ethel is Home!

She was in a puppy mill and, when it closed, she was given to a man who hit her, tied her up outside and let his other dogs attack her.

Adoption Angel Drives 120 Miles Every Other Day to Give Puppy with Mange a Medicated Bath

Adoption Angel Drives 120 Miles Every Other Day...

Winnie's story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

Adoption Angel Drives 120 Miles Every Other Day...

Winnie's story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

They Thought She Was Dead:' Puppy Found on the Street with Mange Adopted by Supportive, Loving Family

They Thought She Was Dead:' Puppy Found on the ...

Bridgette's story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

They Thought She Was Dead:' Puppy Found on the ...

Bridgette's story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue...

Rescued From Complete Darkness

Rescued From Complete Darkness

"The lady didn't need her to breed anymore, so she had put her in the closet."

Rescued From Complete Darkness

"The lady didn't need her to breed anymore, so she had put her in the closet."