Matthew Russell

Matthew Russell is a West Michigan native and with a background in journalism, data analysis, cartography and design thinking. He likes to learn new things and solve old problems whenever possible, and enjoys bicycling, spending time with his daughters, and coffee.
Articles by Matthew Russell

Are You A Cat Whisperer? 13% Of Those Who Took ...
6,329 people from 85 different countries took part in the survey.
Are You A Cat Whisperer? 13% Of Those Who Took ...
6,329 people from 85 different countries took part in the survey.

Thousands In Tears After Watching Cat Rescue's ...
"Libby Left Behind" is based on a true story that begins with heartbreak.
Thousands In Tears After Watching Cat Rescue's ...
"Libby Left Behind" is based on a true story that begins with heartbreak.

How The Rubber From Worn Tires Eventually Winds...
93% of the polymer-based microparticles released into the environment comes from rubber tires.
How The Rubber From Worn Tires Eventually Winds...
93% of the polymer-based microparticles released into the environment comes from rubber tires.

The USMC Has Finally Allowed Marines To Carry S...
The Marine Corps has also relaxed its regulations on women's uniforms.
The USMC Has Finally Allowed Marines To Carry S...
The Marine Corps has also relaxed its regulations on women's uniforms.

How Pet Parents Can Enjoy Halloween And Avoid A...
If you want to avoid Halloween heartache, here are some ways to keep your pet happy and healthy during the holiday.
How Pet Parents Can Enjoy Halloween And Avoid A...
If you want to avoid Halloween heartache, here are some ways to keep your pet happy and healthy during the holiday.

A Team of Part-Time Divers Discovered A Long Lo...
The USS Eagle 56 sunk five miles off the coast of Maine on April 23, 1945, two weeks before the Nazis surrendered.
A Team of Part-Time Divers Discovered A Long Lo...
The USS Eagle 56 sunk five miles off the coast of Maine on April 23, 1945, two weeks before the Nazis surrendered.