We Only Went To Look…
Guest Contributor
My husband really wanted a dog for a long time. Finally, I told him, “Okay, but let’s go to the shelter instead of a breeder. With so many in need, we should give one a good home.” So we drove out to the local shelter – only to look. I made that clear to my husband. I also told him I didn’t want a puppy, I wanted a dog who was slightly older.

There weren’t many to choose from, maybe 8 or so. As I made my way up and down the cages the dogs were in, I noticed the saddest, most scared little black and white dog I have ever seen. He looked at me and I lost all my breath. He was just standing in the back of cage next to the wall.
I stood guard, protecting the precious pup while my husband went to get someone who worked there so we could meet this little one. When he came into the room, he just stood there trembling, all 20 pounds of him. He gave a little lick to each of us, but mostly was terrified.
The shelter workers couldn’t find his background history but they knew he came from a kill shelter. I knew I had to help him overcome all his fears. We took him home and noticed there was something wrong with him. He wound up having pneumonia and had to stay at the shelter to be treated. The shelter was 40 minutes away from us, but we drove there about 3-4 times a week so he wouldn’t forget us or feel abandoned all over again.

A month later he was able to come home. It was the best day ever. He played with his very first toy which was bittersweet. He was already 8 months old and never saw a toy. He has about 25+ now and knows all their names.
It’s been 3 1/2 years and a little work every day. He’s overcome so many fears, has a huge vocabulary, and can do many tricks! He’s 70 pounds now and still loves to “sit” in my lap. (He used to do that when we visited him at the shelter for the month he was sick). He adores my husband and waits by the door for him to come home! He made our house a home!
Story submitted by Anonymous.
This story was originally shared on theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com. Share your very own rescue story here!

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